• Policy 1: Using my Seat at the Table to Advocate for Students

    One of the primary roles of the UGCO is to sit on various academic committees that operate with university leadership to shape the academic framework of the university. If elected, I want to use this platform to compel the university leadership to work with ANUSA and to listen to students directly. In doing this, I think it is crucial that the UGCO works in collaboration with other office bearers including the Education Officer, Postgraduate Coursework officer and the college reps to have a united campaign, which focuses on the key issues most important to students.

    Policy 2: Advocating for Academic Reform to bring the University to the 21st Century

    Over the past few years, students have been calling out for assessment reform and the university has not listened. Our assessment models are antiquated and are not reflective of the skills required to prepare university students for long and meaningful careers. I have worked in corporate Australia for all of this year and I can safely say that I have never had to hand write under timed conditions. Our assessments should be reflective of society and prepare us, and our assessments don’t do that. This means advocating for BYOD exams, no assessment weightings greater than 50%, and standardised assessment deadlines.

    Policy 3: Work with the IHC and Residential Halls to spread the awareness of ANUSA

    ANU has a comparatively high population of on-campus students and with that brings both opportunities and challenges for a union. Currently, residential students feel disenfranchised and disconnected from ANUSA and its services, particularly on an academic level. As your UGCWO, I want to increase awareness of ANUSA and its services to ensure that residential students are able to access all ANUSA has to offer, particularly in the areas of Academic advocacy and navigating university bureaucracy. 

    Policy 4: Working with the EDC and College representatives to mobilise around academic issues

    The EDC this year, under education officers that don’t care about education; has often failed to make quorum; representatives haven’t received the support they need. Change candidates, including myself, Hinanshi and Rosie are committed to supporting college reps to deliver for their colleges, and coordinating academic advocacy through the EDC. The ANU is a special place in the way it is so decentralised to its colleges, and in the case of postgrads, its schools. A united and looped in academic advocacy council is critical to having success in our goals. Even worse, discipline clubs have had to pick up ANUSA’s slack on academics. I will work with our clubs candidate, Harrison Oates to work with these clubs in working alongside them in doing advocacy. 

  • As the Postgraduate Coursework Officer at the ANU Students' Association for 2025, I propose the following policies to ensure equitable assessment practices, enhanced academic support, and sufficient resource availability for postgraduate students:

    1. Capping the Number of Assessments and Weighting of Final Examinations

      1.1 Final Exam Weighting 

    The final exam for postgraduate coursework courses shall hold a weight of 50-60% of the overall grade.  

    1.2 Assessment Structure (With the Vice President Sree Vaishnavi Gangarapu)

               The remaining 40-50% of the course assessment shall be derived from a maximum of 

               3-4 assessments, which may include quizzes, assignments, mid-semester examinations,

               essays, or other appropriate evaluative components.  

    1.3 Assessment Scheduling

               Assessments and examinations must be equally spaced throughout the semester to allow students to manage their workload across multiple courses and maintain mental well-being.

    2. Minimum Weighting for Mid-Semester Examinations

    2.1 Mid-Semester Exam Weighting

    Mid-semester examinations, held during Week 6 or Week 7, shall carry a minimum weight of 20% and shall not fall below this threshold.  

    2.2 Exam Details and Transparency  

    Exam details, including provisions such as the use of cheat sheets or calculators, must be provided well in advance to ensure clarity and adequate preparation time for students.

    3. Student and Faculty Workshops

    3.1 Wattle/Canvas Navigation Workshops

    Workshops will be held at the beginning of each semester with the Vice President, Sree Vaishnavi Gangarapu to guide students on navigating Wattle/Canvas, finding additional resources, and understanding assessment rubrics. 

    Course convenors should clearly inform students about the location of rubrics and other key materials.  

    3.2 Assignment Writing Workshops

    In collaboration with ANU Academic Skills and the Vice President Sree Vaishnavi Gangarapu, workshops will be organized to enhance students' skills in referencing, citation, and assignment writing.  

    3.3 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Information Sessions

    Regular sessions will be offered for both students and faculty on the principles of academic integrity and plagiarism, including guidance on rectifying any breaches.

    4. Sufficient Resources for Students

    4.1 Minimum Textbook Availability

    For courses with a cohort size of 500 students or more, a minimum of 10-12 copies of essential textbooks shall be made available through the ANU Library, subject to enrolment numbers and course demands.

    5. Mode of Communication for Lectures

    5.1 In person lectures only on Business Days

    Running this policy with the Postgraduate CBE Representative Tanisha Chowdhury making sure all lectures will be conducted exclusively in person on business days, with no exceptions for weekend or online scheduling. 

    This will allow for a deeper commitment towards face-to-face instruction underscoring the university’s and various different college’s dedication to fostering meaningful, direct engagement between students and faculty, ensuring a dynamic and interactive learning experience that cannot be replicated through virtual means.

    These policies are designed to foster a supportive and transparent learning environment for postgraduate coursework students, ensuring fair assessment practices and access to vital academic resources.

  • Advocacy for Flexible Study Options

       - Proposal: Advocate for greater flexibility for tutorials, in-tutorial quizzes, intra-lecture quizzes, etc., to accommodate the needs of parents and carers.

       - Goal: Ensure all students can balance academic commitments with their caregiving responsibilities without compromising their education, as being a parent and carer is such a big responsibility.


    Childcare Support Expansion

       - Proposal: Advocate for increased availability of on-campus childcare services, including further subsidized childcare options.

       - Goal: Reduce financial and logistical barriers for student parents, allowing them to focus on their studies.


    Enhanced Carer Support Network

       - Proposal: Establish a formal peer-support network for carers, providing regular meetings, mental health resources, and advocacy training. Establishing an ‘information hub’ for parents and carers to provide knowledge regarding the resources and support systems that can be accessed

       - Goal: Create a community where carers can share their experiences and access support for managing their dual responsibilities.


    Financial Assistance for Parents and Carers

       - Proposal: Advocate for an increase in grants or scholarships specifically targeted toward parents and carers facing financial strain. Also advocating for an emergency bursary, which is not limited to once a semester (perhaps 3?) only based on financial hardship and extenuating circumstances.

       - Goal: Ensure equitable access to financial resources for those juggling caregiving and education.


    Improved Parental Leave Policies

       - Proposal: Campaign for clearer, more flexible parental leave policies, including extended deferral options for assignments and assessments for parents and carers.

       - Goal: Enable student parents to take time off without academic penalties.


    Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

       - Proposal: Work with the ANU Counselling Centre to create tailored mental health resources and sessions for student parents and carers, trying to associate with the existing organizations.

       - Goal: Prioritize the emotional well-being of those with caregiving responsibilities by providing accessible mental health support.


    Advocate for Accessible Campus Facilities

       - Proposal: Push for better access to parenting rooms, change tables, and carer-friendly spaces around campus, without having to be judged for using them.

       - Goal: Ensure the ANU campus is fully equipped to meet the needs of parents and carers, making it a more inclusive environment.


    Support for Carers of People with Disabilities

       - Proposal: Create specialized support systems for student carers of people with disabilities, including access to disability services and flexible course adjustments.

       - Goal: Ensure all carers, regardless of their circumstances, can thrive academically while fulfilling their caregiving duties.


    Increase Awareness of Carer and Parental Rights

       - Proposal: Develop a comprehensive program to educate the ANU community about the rights and entitlements of student parents and carers.

       - Goal: Empower parents and carers to advocate for themselves and ensure the university community is informed about these issues.


    Collaborate with Existing Carer and Family Support Networks

       - Proposal: Strengthen ties with external organizations and support groups in Canberra to provide additional resources and advocacy for student parents and carers to see if any other grants and benefits can be provided and bridged apart from the existing ANU support system, and endorse the parent/carer by referring them to the network.

       - Goal: Extend support beyond campus, creating a network of assistance that benefits students in their everyday lives.


    Parents and Carers Respite

       - Proposal: Provide the option of a day retreat for parents and carers at a subsidized rate where they can enjoy their well-deserved respite from their difficult lives

       - Goal: Extend support to provide a channel to provide subsidized respite, creating a networking opportunity to people of similar backgrounds and giving them deserved time off.

  • Advocacy for International Students

    As the Postgraduate Member on ANU Council, I commit to:

    • Pushing for the removal of the international student cap

    • Collaborating with the International Students’ Department to bridge gaps and address unique challenges faced by international students.

    • Working with ANU Careers and Employability to expand opportunities for international and postgraduate students, ensuring equal access to career resources and potential employers.

    • Addressing scholarship issues by advocating for clearer, more consistent eligibility criteria that align with admission standards.

    Fighting For ANU to take Campus-Wide Action on Course Cuts

    I pledge to:

    • Advocate for a comprehensive ANU-wide strategy to manage and reverse the effects of course cuts, particularly in postgraduate spaces.

    • Push for maintaining a diverse range of electives to ensure a well-rounded education for all students.

    • Collaborate with ANUSA to bring student concerns about course cuts to the forefront of Council discussions.

    • Engage with Council and its sub-committees like the Academic Board to address issues related to language requirements, AI policies, and other academic matters affected by budget constraints.

    • Actively seek and represent postgraduate student voices in decisions related to course offerings and academic policies.

    A united front with staff and student representatives to get the services you need!

    I will work towards:

    • Improving mental health services by reducing wait times and diversifying the pool of case managers and psychologists to better reflect our multicultural student body.

    • Establishing stronger connections between the Council and residential halls, creating proper channels for consultation and feedback.

    • Increasing student engagement in university governance by improving communication about Council decisions and their impacts on student life.

    • Collaborating closely with ANUSA and other student representatives to present a unified voice on critical issues affecting the student body.

    • Fostering better integration between academic departments, residential halls (IHC), and student organisations to create a more cohesive campus community.

    • Advocating for improved student services by working alongside staff representatives to identify and address gaps in current offerings.

    There are two student representatives and three elected staff members on council. Together, We can be a significant force on Council, so it is very important to work with them to get beneficial outcomes for both staff and students. I plan to work with Will Burfoot, Change Your ANUSA candidate for President and UMAC, to ensure we can effectively advocate for your rights.